Due to the rise in use of SMS marketing, it is crucial to understand the requirements of bulk
SMS registration. This documentation will guide you on everything you need to know about the
necessary documents, rules and regulations, and any other process associated with Bulk SMS
What is Bulk SMS? Bulk SMS is a messaging service which allows businesses or individuals to send high and low volumes of SMS quickly and efficiently to their staff, suppliers or customers through a licensed content service provider (CSP) portal.
∙You might need to get into a contractual agreement with a licensed content service
provider (CSP) if you plan to send bulk SMS using your business name or product
trademark. The contract shall include the agreed rate for Bulk SMS which may be
negotiated depending on volume of SMS.
∙Your CSP will register a sender ID with telecommunication providers on your
behalf. CSPs are licensed by the Communication Authority of Kenya to carry out
this business.

Sender ID
A sender ID is the name or number that appears on the recipient’s phone when they receive your SMS. You will need to register a sender ID with the service providers of choice i.e., Safaricom,Airtel and Telkom through a licensed content service provider (CSP) such as MobiFour Technologies Ltd.
Necessary Documents
For you to successfully register for sender ID, you need the following documents.
∙Copy of company/business registration
∙Authorization letter from company or business entity

Rules and Regulations
You will need to comply with certain regulations and guidelines set by the telecommunication service providers in your country. Some of the
restrictions include the content of the SMS message and the frequency and time of sending messages.
Opt-in database
In some countries, you may need to provide a list of people who have given consent to receive messages from your company. You should keep the list safely and provide it for auditing if required.
You will need to pay for the sender ID registration as well as the entire cost of sending messages.

In conclusion, it is important to note that these requirements may vary depending on the service provider that you choose. Always check with your CSP to get the specific requirements that you need for your registration process.